Information & Education

One of several sites monitored weekly to determine detrimental changes to the stream due to bypass construction

Eyes of the Watershed

Through community presentations, being a presence at events such as the Master Gardner Plant Fair, and providing printed material and press releases to our local newspaper, WSWA educates members of the community on how to spot and report potential problems in the watershed.

If you see a potential problem, such as significant construction-related dust in the air, excessive mud or muddy equipment tracks on the road, inadequate/leaking silt fencing at a construction site in or near the run or one of its tributaries, you can report it by one of several means.

- Call our President at 304-279-0717. A member of the board will follow up on what you see, and/or provide more information on whom to contact.
- Stream Watch software has been developed and is closely monitored by the WV Rivers organization, a statewide network of watershed organizations.

To report a fallen tree in a stream, or a buildup of debris that could cause flooding, the property owner should call the WV Conservation Agency 1-866-823-5663, which will respond. 

Members of the public are encouraged to call the WVDEP Hotline when they notice unusual conditions in the Run such as a petroleum spill, a fish kill or other problems

Environmental Hotline

There are two categories of spills: Minor Spills, and Major Spills.

- Minor Spill: A minor spill is under 500mL (2 cups) and does not present immediate fire, safety, environmental, or health hazard to people in the area. To report a minor spill, call 304-926-0499.
- Major Spills: A major present an immediate danger to life, health, safety, the environment, or is an immediate fire or explosion hazard, and require immediate attention. To report a major spill into the stream, call 800-642-3074  
- All Spills Should Be Reported to the WV Department of Environmental Protection

One of five educational signs created by local artist Mary Klotz that are installed in the Widmyer Wetlands.

Environmental Advocacy

WSWA partners with individuals and organizations that also work to restore and protect the environment. Our partners include the WV Conservation Agency, the Eastern Panhandle Conservation District, the WV Department of Environmental Protection, WV Rivers Coalition, and Choose Clean Water, to name but a few. We try to stay on top of issues and respond appropriately where letters or visits with our lawmakers could have an impact.

    The Warm Springs Watershed Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission and vision to protect our beautiful watershed at Warm Springs Run.
Bronze Transparency 2022